What a dreich day! Apart from the morning, which was just dull, but JR and Archie managed a walk up the hill without getting wet.
In the drizzly afternoon, JR made good use of it by going to the supermarket to get stocked up on my gluten free items. Jings! What a shock that was - everything costs twice as much! So here's Archie with a few of the items. He's unimpressed. I tried the almond milk, which was nice, but it didn’t like it in my coffee. Or maybe I didn’t like the coffee after not having had any for many days. I'm trying to do without sugar. Day three and I’ve managed so far...
I watched a couple of recorded programmes 'Scotland from the Air' and an interesting one about forensics, neither of which JR minded missing. I didn’t go out - it was too cold or wet, or cold and wet to bother. When will it end?
Looking forward to (gluten free) toast for tomorrow's brekkers!
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