The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Fight For Your Right

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Sometimes stupid conversations really brighten your day. Yesterday, I went to the supermarket and I was standing at the Travel Money counter as I needed to get some Euros. A bloke came up behind me and asked if I was waiting.

Me: I am, yes

Man (laughing): I wasn’t sure. I thought it would be rude didn’t just to push in front on you.

Me: I’m glad you didn’t. I might have had to fight you and that would have been unfortunate.

Man: Hmm, yeah, having a fight probably wouldn’t have been the best way for either of us to start our holidays.

Me: Especially in Sainsbury’s. That would be bad. Let’s agree not to:

After I had been served, we wished each other a good holiday and I said that I was glad we hadn’t have to fight. Even though I would have won.

Made me laugh. This is why I don’t do small talk!


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