
I took the last of the antibiotics yesterday! So now to see if they have done the job! 
I had a busy morning walking Oscar, opening the hens and then potting on my tomatoes, aubergines, peppers and squash in my allotment greenhouse! I love these lipstick looking small alliums - much prefer them to the large sputnik types I also have on my plot! Home to pick up Oscar and take him for his playdate in the field with Ivy!
The Welders brother was there too having brought a bureau all the way from Kent for him. Turns out he is a dormouse warden! He vounteers on an estate and has 50 dormice homes! Last year only one was occupied, this year 6 are! Apparently dormice as well as being as cute as hell are 
"important as 'bioindicators' as they are particularly sensitive to habitat and population fragmentation, so their presence is an indication of habitat integrity and sustainable populations of other sensitive species." 
He maintains the boxes and weighs, sexes and ages the dormice he finds. Looking online there are several places near me that have dormice wardens so I think I might apply for a license and try joining one!
I spent the afternoon potting on seedlings at home with the company of a young female blackbird that is remarkably friendly! It comes within touching distance of me! I'm so delighted I forgave her eating the one strawberry on my plant!

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