Life is never dull with a tractor...

Pretty quiet day - we both went running this morning (we've been doing quite well at getting out running, and we're loving it). 

Back to the swimming pool this afternoon - the boys LOVE it there and they are both doing really well.  The eldest has cracked doggy paddle and his little face was one big smile.  The disaster at the swimming pool was the eldest putting his bag down 'somewhere'... but we only realised when we got home, so I had to drive back and use what turns out to be  my terrible French to see if it had been handed in (it hadn't).  When I say bad, I mean bad, I told the lady I'd lost a blue back pack, only for her to ask me what colour it was. 

On the plus side, and hour and a half of swimming makes for VERY tired boys who have gone straight to sleep this evening. 

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