The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Free Falling

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Organised fun group excursion 3 - Siam water park.

I absolutely love water parks and this park might be the best one we have been to. The only downside was the long queues but they are mainly in the shade which eases the pain. There were loads of great rides and The Youngest Mini Princess and I managed to get on The Tower of Terror at the end of the day which has a near vertical 28 m drop in what feels like free fall before going in a transparent tube through a pool of rays and sharks. Brilliant fun!

The worst ride was the ‘lazy river’ which was just too busy and people kept bumping into each other in their rubber rings and getting stuck. It was more like the stressful river. I complained to The Eldest Mini Princess when we got off that I had ‘ring rage’!

After all that excitement, we were all pretty tired at the end of the day. I didn’t even have the energy to meet the rest of the troops for a drink after dinner and had a (reasonably) early night. Holidays are exhausting!


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