James with booty

A busy day with the boys. Grandad too them up the woods to pick blaeberries but they soon got bored and carried on up the woods to play on the big rocks.

After lunch they helped us pick gooseberries and then pulled some of their carrots. The blip is James off down the steep path to the house to clean them, and then eat them. Thomas is so patient with his more volatile little brother. We had a plan to do a bit of baking while Grandad took James out for a bike ride. It’s great now he can read the recipe and weigh out the ingredients. He doesn’t like blaeberries cooked so my plan of Blaeberry and yogurt cake was a Nono. Instead we made Chocy Prune Goo, which is made by melting butter, chocolate and syrup, then adding some mixed peel, ground cinnamon, prunes and broken digestive biscuits. Of course the hard part is waiting for it it solidify.

james says he doesn’t need to go to school in September as he knows a lot already and anyway he has a big brain. Not as big as his ego or his mouth I think.

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