Covent Garden

Despite the gale force winds, the trains were running today albeit a few had been cancelled due to last night's problems including the one that I'd planned to get.  So Alan took me to the station to get the slightly earlier one at 9.30am which was packed, but luckily I managed to get a seat.  However, by the time we got to Gatwick it was full to bursting with people having to stand, and when we got to East Croydon the platform was very busy, but they couldn't get on the train and were told to wait for the next one!

Anyway, I arrived at Covent Garden at 11am and Cliona was due to arrive at 11.30am so I had a wander with my camera so that I could put it away and forget about it when I was with her.  I love Covent Garden, it has a great buzz with street entertainers and lots of nice shops and cafe's/bars, and once Cliona arrived we went and had a coffee and a coke zero (for me).  We then went to the Belgian cafe for lunch and sat for a couple of hours just catching up.

We briefly met up with Lorraine, Richard and Emily who had been on a tour of the Houses of Parliament, as Lorraine had a hair band for me for when I'm in Singapore - my hair and humidity don't go very well together!  Then we went to a few shops before we parted ways and I was back in Brighton about 5.45pm.

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