Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Well, it eventually warmed up today after a cloudy morning. And it was hot! Too hot. Especially on an Edinburgh bus - they don’t seem to be able to turn off the heating! Duh! And the buses are dead slow, the bus app is wonky, they usually come in pairs, and the bus drivers have just about had enough of the crowds and traffic jams. Still, the Festival will soon be over for another year.

We had (yet another) free Prosecco voucher to use up at a certain Pizza place, so we popped down to Stockbridge (once Archie had gone out) to sit by the river and enjoy our favourite pizza (Padana Leggera). Most pleasant. Prospective holidays were discussed (again)...

The hot and slow bus back took ages, but JR hopped off in town for a dander along George Street. I declined, and came straight home to lie in a darkened room on the sofa. The bus driver swore loudly at another road user, but then apologised to the passengers.

Started to watch 'Chernobyl'.

Photo by Elizabeth

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