Life In Wales

By KarenC

All that Glitters...

Audrey left after breakfast, we took Sherbie to Anne's and then came home to do the packing while Alan mowed the grass.  I normally take far too much, and I'm sure I probably have again, but at least the cases aren't bulging.

When we’d finished we went for a walk along the undercliff and it was beautiful, very calm, peaceful and warm due to the cliffs sheltering us from the wind.  We passed a guy playing a violin on the rocks - always expect the unexpected round here!

Once home I made a curry, FaceTimed Scarlett before she went to bed, unfortunately Violet had alreay gone so we didn't get to see her, but I did speak to her yesterday and  I'm going up to see them when we get back from Singapore.

Anyway, we're going to have an early night, we're not being picked up until 11am in the morning but I've still got a few things to sort out, so I'm going to get up early.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I'll see you either on the plane or in Dubai which is our first port of call.

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