Different flames!!

We are still on the Main river passing through the locks. We have moved from the red wine to the white wine production region. The rows of vines run from the upper to the lower level of the hillsides, so cultivating and picking is all done by hand as the gradient of the slope doesn’t allow for mechanisation. But it does make for an attractive pattern on the hillsides !!!

We docked in Würzburg and did a walking tour of the town, visiting the magnificent baroque palace, the Würzburg Residence, and its Court Garden. We were able to see inside the chapel, but not take pictures:0(. It was absolutely stunning.

Back to the ship for lunch before heading by coach to Rothenburg, about an hour away through the Bavarian countryside. The medieval walled city is something to be seen. It’s as though you have stepped back in time. We were fortunate to be there on the weekend of the Imperial City Festival and the place has groups of musicians, soldiers, families with children, all dressed in medieval costume.

One of my favourite groups were the 3 drummers and a lone piper, along with their followers. (In extras) The piper was awesome and amazed me when he played ‘Marie’s Wedding’ and Scotland the Brave’. Needless to say I had a lump in my throat:0)

The picture is of the smithy and mobile forge. I have taken hundred of pictures using my big camera, but each day make sure I have captured some representative on my phone to Blip.

The town map has some adverts on the reverse side and surprise....surprise there was one for a quilt shop. After some hunting about we found it and I just had to buy a couple of small kits. I could have bought yards of material, but resisted the temptation.

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