
By Madchickenwoman


An on off drizzly day, the kind that gets you drenched without you noticing! Managed to construct a frame over my second brassica bed after doing the hens. I had to drape  draped some fine white butterfly proof netting directly over them as the netting was not big enough for the frame! Then I discovered some more netting which I had to untangle and once over the frame had to tie up all the holes in it! The other netting i put over my tomatoes which are showing no signs of ripening! I am not bothering with tomatoes ever again! Mind you it hasn't been a great year for pumpkins either, the courgettes have produced wonderfully which last year they didn't but I had a glut of pumpkins! You never can predict what will do well from one year to another! 
Home for a complete change of clothes then off to the field for Oscars playdate.  Ivy has become quite besotted with me since I started taking turkey offcuts with me as treats! It's doing wonders for Oscars training too! 
It was a bit misty at times in the field, but it didn't put the dogs off from playing nor me photographing! 

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