Home Comforts

A perfect late summer morning to wake to after our holiday in France.  The sun shone through the window as I lay in bed and drank a cup of tea and as I pottered in the house getting some washing and cleaning done before we went to collect Merlin from the kennels.  By 10:30am we had our boy back and it was fantastic to see him.  He seemed quite stunned to be with us all morning, choosing to sleep in his bed and sit looking into space in the garden, however this afternoon he has been 'finding his feet' again and become more lively and cheeky! 

After a morning of chores I popped to my allotment to check on the vegetables.  Two oversized marrows needed to be put on the compost but the courgettes, tomatoes, herbs and Swiss chard I harvested were looking good.  With the cooler nights I think the squashes, courgettes and beans will soon be over for the year.  The weeds still seem to be growing though.

This evening we are planning to treat ourselves to an Indian takeaway and a catchup with the Great British Bake Off!  Home comforts!

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