Autumn afternoon

A better day today.  Firstly, the port-a-loo has gone!!!!  Walking into my garden without the odour of 2 month old port-a-loo will be a delight. 

No oven or sink this evening, but the microwave did a treat and we had chicken stew (from the freezer...) with baked potatoes, I was a touch proud of what could be considered culinary achievement with very little - not even a work surface. 

But, the best bit of the day came this morning, where I realised that the 1/10 'score' in yesterday's workbook for the eldest was in fact the date... He does need to work on sounds, but it might not be as bad as I had thought. 

I took this when I was out and about at work this afternoon, it is the woods that are part of the School and I thought the light looked particularly nice. 

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