Not very bright out..
Today was flat flat flat weather wise,although the rain did not start till about 5pm this evening it was very dull outside all day.Lucy is still poorly and trying to tell us she is not,she wants to go to school and use her new bag and pencil case,except she cannot swallow her evening meal and is so blocked up she cannot breathe through her nose... she just told me she is 'Bine' which is fine with a heavy cold ;).
We took the dogs out today to see if some fresh air would unblock her nasal passages.... I tell you what it certainly did mine,stupidly we decided to check out the Racecourse as that had been flooded for weeks.... so it was ok to start with then it just turned into a bog pit and it STANK... it was stagnant water and I was actually relieved Lucy could not the upshot was we ended up bathing the dogs when we got back,I don't mind a bit of dried mud but the smell was just tooooooo much.
I doubt very much my girl will be at school with the size of those tonsils... they are like golf balls.
The photo's were so flat today that this crow who is sat on one of the signs at the racecourse was just like a silhouette so I played with the background and made it a matt 'mercury' shade as it was grey anyhow..... I am having an artistic day ;)
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