Four Legs, Two Heads, One Emu?

This lovely cold calm spell continues.  Frosty most of the day, with glorious sunshine.  Clear crisp night again.

Another quiet morning around the house.  Me and Sammy headed out walkies before lunch.  Met up with mam, peerie Brian and Viveka for lunch.  More walkies, and also been to the hospital to see a friend.  Off to work in the pub later. 

There's a Bearded Seal about again, and headed out to see it. Typical, it wasn't about.  Headed a bit further south, and had a look at some more not so common local animals.  Sammy was super excited to see some pet rabbits, while these emus were excited to see Sammy!  They followed his every move, with the occasional hiss.  They hatched earlier this year, and last time I saw them in June, they were tiny.  Growing up fast, even in Shetland.  Owned by local man from Tasmania, at the Outpost, Meadows Road, Houss, Burra. 

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