Burn of Kirkhouse

Another great day.  Flat calm, a sunny morning, with sunny spells in the afternoon, and going to be frosty again.

Last day off for this long weekend.  Up early and spent the morning around the house and Scalloway.  Borrowed a car again, and headed out with Sammy in the afternoon.  Peerie Brian helped me tow my car to the garage, hopefully get it back and working tomorrow.  Squad meeting this evening, and also been to see Madeline in the hospital.  Off to work in the pub later. 

Another lovely day for a good walk with Sammy.  Everything is so calm just now, but all to change tomorrow.  Looking across the voe, the hillside looked like it had expanded and very dramatically.  The sea was so still, it's casting a fantastic reflection.  Looking across to the Burn of Kirkhouse, Lower Voe. 

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