Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


What a dreich day! It got dreicher as the day went on, so it was fortunate that we went took the dogs out for a walk in the morning. But not quite fortunate enough, as we got really wet when the dreichness turned to mizzle when we were up at the top of the hill.

We met up with a dog walker who had an assortment of mainly small dogs, and one big old greyhound called Dave, who just sauntered around, ignoring them all. Then a young Viszla came running by, and Dave sprung into life! They both charged around and around, at a great rate of knots, with some of the wee Westies flying around trying to keep up. Archie didn’t bother. What fun!

We dropped off several bags of books to the charity shop, which we've been meaning to do for ages. Baths for two dogs, then we all settled down for a lazy afternoon. Well, three of us did - JR was in a dusting mood (something that never happens to me). I listened to a couple of podcasts using my new earbuds. Though I did doze off briefly...

EDIT: Archie had a nice surprise this evening - Elizabeth popped in for a birthday drink!

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