Laying Back...

...on the adirondack.

Real Easterners are probably shuddering at the thought of an adirondack chair that is made out of plastic, and not wood. I used to have one of each, but I left the wooden one out for too many winters, and it is now in the burn heap.

I was at my stalking post in the upstairs window. I saw a flash of red...but it didn't think it was Big Red, another woodpecker. It wasn't. Seeing the flash of spots on his breast confirms that is is a Northern Flicker.

A NORTHERN FLICKER! IT'S A NORTHERN FLICKER! Can you sense my excitement over the waves of the Internet? I'm pretty sure it's my first one. I don't like to keep posting woodpeckers, but I just think he is so handsome. Paul Newman handsome. Tom Selleck handsome. George Clooney handsome. Brad Pitt handsome. Bruce Kardashian Jenner handsome. (That last one is a joke.) You get the picture...this is a handsome bird.

I had the choice between a grackle with tongue, a sparrow in the snow, and this beauty. No contest...pretty boy wins.

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