Life In Wales

By KarenC

Another snowy day

We had even more snow again last night and this morning we have the added benefit of sunshine and blue skies, although it was -9 degrees when we got up!

I took Louis for his walk across the fields again, and I'm so disappointed that I've got to go into work - it's gorgeous and I could have stayed out there for ages! But at least I was able to get an early blip, and I like this one as my shadow is also in it :-)

Tonight we're driving to Calais straight after work and are staying overnight ready for our journey to England tomorrow morning. Louis isn't coming with us this time he's staying with his Aunty Mary and Uncle Chris, where he'll be spoilt rotten!

Anyway, I'll head back out into the snow as I'm walking to work - I'll catch up with you from England tomorrow.

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