The Sky that Kept Giving!

This morning I drove into Brighton for when the shops opened as Alan bought me a Swarovski phone case for Christmas, but I noticed that on one corner the crystals seemed loose.  Anyway, there was no problem and they did a straight exchange.  From there I nipped into Next to have a look at their sale as I wanted to get a sparkly top for New Years Eve - I found two that were both half price, and I couldn't decide so I bought both and I can always take one back, although I probably won't!

I did think about taking my camera out with me, but decided I wouldn't bother as it was a grey morning and I was literally nipping to the shops - big mistake!  As I drove to the coast road I could see para-gliders flying above the cliffs and by the time I got to Rottingdean there was even more of them.  I pulled into the car park and stood on top of the cliffs to watch them and cursed not having my camera, but I took some pics with my phone (see my extras).

Once I'd finished in town I drove to Asda to do a food shop, and surprisingly it was quite quiet so it was pretty painless.  Back home, shopping unpacked, we had a light lunch and then went out for a walk as by this time it was sunny.

We walked 5 miles in total, down to the beach and along the undercliff walk to Ovingdean and back with a stop at White Cliffs Cafe on the way back.  There were lots of people out, enjoying the lovely weather, I played in puddles getting reflection shots, and we met Rosemary and Ollie - a lady with her Shetland Pony who pulls her in a cart (also added to my extras). Then there was the most amazing sunset which got better after the sun had gone down, so my choice of blip was rather difficult today - I called on Kate for her help and I finally decided on this one due to the colours and the fact that you can see the moon as well as Venus (if you look very closely!).

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