More snow...just for a change!
It snowed quite a bit during the night, so there's quite a bit of it now...the good thing is that you can walk, still a bit gingerly, instead of flying across the ice!
Took the dogs out for a good hike thro the forest...but stopped first of all, at the Spruce Cottage...i just love this view! This is one of the 3 cabins we rent out, all year round, but right now things are quite quiet, altho there are a few inquiries waiting to be answered.
Posting early today cos we're off to Sydney with the usual impossibly long list of things we need to do. One of which is close to the to the travel agent about Cuba!!! Then we're heading to Rollies for dinner, fiddle music and a round or two of pool....Terry will as usual, whip my ass, but we have a good laugh!
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