A Tree

Its been a bit of a nuts n bolts day today...just me and the boy.
I started work and after went through some pics that I took when P was here.
Thought I would fiddle with this simple pic of a tree. There is something I really love about it...its so indicative of the trees that grow around this neck of the woods...and...I guess other necks of woods too. I guess what I am trying to say is that when I look at this tree I see home and Australia.

Just heard about the floods in Jakarta.....jeez! and then (apparently) as our country burns our retard of a PM is giving Trump a heap of $$$'s for some Mars project.....I reckon it would be worth it if they both pissed off to Mars ...Oh and they can take that Boris bloke with 'em.

Sorry for the rant......I'm probably much better off if I stick my head back in the sand....my ire is up and there seems to be no putting it back at the mo though.

I do think though a simple tree and a cup of tea is just the ticket for a peaceful evening.

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