Gitama's World

By Gitama


That cat adores the boy...well they adore each other...damn cute (even though they both have many annoying qualities). When I saw this and snapped it I knew I had my blip in the bag.
The days are rushing by so fast I have realised that I need to start blipping earlier 'cause if I wait its night time and the blip ship has sailed.

The kids went out to the beach today...(It was great to have the place quiet...I got heaps done) was an overcast day...but...they still came back looking like lobsters needing tea baths.

The dog decided he like the taste of the tea bath and drank a load of it threw up....ate it ..and looks very pleased with himself......we were pleased we didn't have much to clean up.

Time to get into my chair now and watch some TV........not finding much to watch these days though..its all rubbish...any suggestions?

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