By lizzie_birkett

Not Cakes...

...more like mud pies!
I finished planting the alpines, Helleborus and spring flowers at the mooring. Bella May was happy to be lying in the sun at long last. She loves sunbathing!

This afternoon we came back to the house as Frank is playing in a concert tomorrow night at the village hall and on Saturday we head up to Airdrie to stay at my daughters's. Can't wait to see the girls - we haven't seen them since before Christmas!

On the way to Hellifield we stopped at the garden centre to get some compost and I also bought some seed potatoes.
1st early Charlotte
2nd early Maris Piper
Maincrop King Edwards

I spent the afternoon doing the garden at the house. I emptied the big carrot tubs (and found lots of little carrots that I'd missed at harvest!) The spent sand and compost mix was spread on the flower beds.

I then sowed 150 of the onion seeds and just 3 of the tomato seeds and 1 cucumber seed in little fibre pots. I covered them all with vermiculite to insulate them and hopefully prevent 'damping off' 
I used sow lots more seeds than this but apart from the plants that can be transferred into the garden, I have to think about what I can accommodate on the boat when we go away so 1 or 2 tomato plants, some lettuce, spring onions and maybe a small cucumber plant plus some herbs.

I always get a great feeling of satisfaction once I've sown the first seeds. They'll be kept indoors inside polythene bags on the window sills until they germinate.

The seed potatoes also need to sit on the window to be chitted - that is to enable them to sprout. After about 6 weeks I'll plant them out.

I'm happily tired again ;-)

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