Early Sailing

Gales have been blowing all day ,getting stronger tonight.  It was raining first thing, but cleared to a sunny day.  Heavy rain returned tonight.

I swapped a shift, so ended up working today in the museum.  It was a quiet morning, but we had a fairly busy afternoon.  A lot of folk in to see my unkan people photo display.  Looking like another quiet night at home.  I really don't want to head outside in this weather, nor does Sammy.  He ran out to the garden, and soon shot back in again.

ADT security boys were in first thing, and said they had to be on the boat early tonight, due to winds.  I saw the north boat heading south at lunchtime, and punching into the sea, glad I'm not on board. It'll be a long night for the boys on that boat, and hope they have the stomach for it.  Taken from Helliness, Cunningsburgh.  

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