Do you remember last year when the Minx and I went to Lewes to see Shriekback play live? That was all part of a crowdfunding package for their new album 'Some Kinds Of Light', which I have been enjoying since the crowdfunders were given mixes a few months ago. (The album has now been officially released and can be bought here.)
I'd forgotten that the crowdfunding option I took included an artefact from Shriekback's history and mine arrived, today. In fact, it was arguably two artefacts: both the ideas sheet and the track sheet from the recording of 'underwaterboys' from their 'Big Night Music' album, which was released in 1986.
Of course, I was delighted to hold both items in my hands. It felt like a spooky connection to part of my youth; I remember listening to the album over and over again on my Walkman during my second year at university.
It was also interesting to look at the ideas sheet and get a feel - no matter how vague - for the creative process. Also, and less romantically, it was funny to look at the track sheet and remember that it really is not that long ago that we used to organise ourselves using crappy photocopies!
-11.7 kgs
Reading: 'The Sound Of Tomorrow' by Mark Brend
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