On our way to Springs

We took Shiv out for a wee adventure as we went to tend to Arnie's grans grave in Springs.  She loved every minute, apart from when someone got too close to the car and she went on the defence.  Luckily the car came off relatively unscathed compared to her previous antics.

We were absolutely gobsmacked when we go to the cemetery through.  It is the oldest one on the East Rand but for some reason it has been totally neglected.  My extra photo shows what it was like yesterday compared to just a year ago when Arnie added more pebbles and did a general tidy up.

The official explanation is that it has been clasified as inactive as it is full from a first internment perspective but it is still open for a second and the burial of ashes.  I am not sure those folks who have purchased the grave rights will be happy to see where they will eventually go.

Seriously sad state of affairs when the municipality can't even keep the grass cut.  

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