Hon in Edinburgh

By honined

The Princess and the Wizard

Last night we were convinced by all the weather forecasts of 'heavy snow' that our daughter's school would be cancelled, we'll have to dig our way out of the front door, and cycling to work will definitely not be an option. So to say this morning's sleety, non-sticking snow flurries were an anti-climax is a bit of an understatement.

I didn't get out at lunch time, since I had back to back meetings all day. In my darker moments I do worry about my legacy to the world: "He went to a lot of meetings..." seems depressingly accurate.

Fortunately, our kids put on a joint show for my wife and I this evening, just before their bedtime stories. A truly original and witty interpretation of the classic children's short story The Princess and the Wizard, with our little boy making his stage debut (in big sister's bedroom) as the eponymous 'Wizard'. After this run, I believe they will be touring to take this production to their grannie's house.

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