Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Busy day (for some)

A busy day for JR! Gym class at 9am, though she didn’t stay for the second class. Home to shower and change to go out to a birthday do for one of the gym chaps who turned 80. What fun - a big crowd attended an excellent brunch at Salt.

I took Archie round the block via the hardware shop for candle lightbulbs, got the wrong kind, so had to go back, but as I was going to my physio that way anyway it was no bother.

I dandered back from being pummelled (in a nice way) and on seeing a friend in the cafe, popped in for a chat and to see if there were any scones left (no). JR had also been shopping, taken Archie for a muddy run on the Links, then bathed him. When I got home, she was in a slight panic, as friends were arriving at 5pm, and it was already about 4.30. I hadn’t realised the time! No worries, we got organised, and when Hazel and Christine and Rufus arrived we were ready. Here's Archie helping us assembling some of the nibbles (he could smell the chicken). There were several more plates - that wasn’t just it! A most pleasant evening. 

A day of wind and rain and snow and rugby tomorrow.

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