Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Silver Sea

We've had such a good day . . . basically doing nothing, but that's pretty much what we've reserved January for . . . doing nothing and enjoying it immensely.

The old apartment-sized Wedgewood stove that's been in this home since the house was build in 1942 was replaced this morning because the oven was no longer heating, even though the burner was lighting. The four burners on the top of the stove work just fine. The appliance repairman took a look at the stove several days back and said it was time for it to be replaced. This house has a home-owners warranty for all all the appliances and hot water heater and things of that nature. So a new canadian-made Danby apartment-sized stove was brought-in to replace the broken one. We think the old Wedgewood (60-65 years old) is worth quite a bit of money when the right market or buyer is found.

Then later in the day we took a short drive to the library and post office. The library is usually open Tuesday through Thursday, but it was closed since yesterday was a holiday the library closed today. So we drove through some of the residential streets (there's not many of them in this tiny community, but) some of the houses are so interesting to see.

As we drove through the streets looking we realized the weather was changing. The wind we've had all month had ceased and clouds were beginning to umbrella the entire Estero Bay. The change this caused in the scene from our front windows was astounding. The sea looked silver. Bright clouds were above the dark ones in my photo, but because of the electric wires and phone lines, I cropped the wires and the lighter, brighter clouds. I really like the silver sea.

After dinner this evening we watched a fantastic movie that Mr. Fun found in the Senior's Thrift Store -- two bucks for a DVD. A 2007 movie we had neither one heard of, but both enjoyed thoroughly: Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium: Where's Toys Come to Life starring Dustin Hoffman and Natalie Portman. If you have not seen it, we highly recommend that you do. It's a family movie, rated G, I guess because it lacks nudity and obscenity, but it really didn't need either of those. The movie's message was terrific.

This has just been an all around good day on the Central Coast.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and the 3 pooches), aka Carol

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