More rain!

We seem to have had an awful lot of rain this winter and yet again it was raining this morning when I went out on my 'first thing in the morning walk' so we both got soaked through to our skin.

Ann had signed up to do an extra mission today. ..............Pick up a hair-dryer from Sainsbury's and take it to a flat. The idea was that I would go with her and have an hours 'on my lead' walk. But the rain showed no signs of stopping so Ann just did the extra mission by herself and went by bus and I had home alone snooze time.

When she got home the rain had stopped so we went to the park. Yay! I stole a manky old tennis ball off another doggie and I ran around with it for ages. I only gave it back when Ann produced my squeaky ball for me to play with. But then guess what happened?........................... It started to rain again so we got soaked again. Though I have to say, I got wetter than Ann. She just loves her new dog walking jacket. It's brilliant. The rain just runs off it.  

Oh and if anyone is interested she was wearing it yesterday, whilst on a bus, when a 12 year old young man came and sat next to her and said, 'I love your jacket.  Those colours are so 1980s.  You'll remember the 80s.  Fashion just repeats doesn't it?'  Ann wasn't quite sure if that was a compliment, but yes she does remember the 80s and the colours were a bit more fluorescent than her jacket.  And the 12 year old young man was either Japanese or Chinese so here's hoping he didn't have Coronavirus seeing as he was sat next to Ann on a bus for more than 15 mins??????

This afternoon Ann went off to do a 'Meet & Greet' and got soaked again I had home alone snooze time. And I've just had another little walk and got soaked yet again.

Now it's almost 5.15pm and the sky is looking blue again. But apparently that's all the walks I'm getting today. I'm not going out again until it's time for my bedtime wee.


PS – Ann still has a sore foot. It's not absolute agony but it hurts when she walks. Not quite sure why and not quite sure what to do about it????

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