NO Celery?! & Coronavirus Rantings

This is a bit of a 'ranty' blip so switch to another one now if you don't want to hear our rantings...………...

Yesterday Ann did her normal weekly shop at Tesco but she forgot to get celery to put into a beef stew she is making (just call her a domestic goddess). As she was going to IKEA this afternoon (to buy photo frames, if anyone's interested) she decided to pop into the big huge ASDA next door and pick some up.

What a mistake! Firstly, she told me she'd only be 5 mins and she was much longer than that. And secondly, the shop was mobbed and the shelves were completely empty of pretty much everything. Why on earth would anyone want to stockpile celery? People are going mad!

Obviously as Ann lives by herself, were she to go into isolation, she wouldn't need anything like as much stuff as a family would. However, at the moment, she's just doing her 'normal' shop. BUT this mass hysteria is driving her crazy and to be honest it is making her wonder whether she should actually start stocking up on things for the next three or four months because that seems to be what everyone else is doing.

Or will there come a point where people will actually think they have enough of everything and stop buying? We just don't understand why there were no fresh vegetables? A lot of the stuff that people are buying is going to end up being thrown away because it has a limited shelf life. Like eggs. They don't last for ever and as far as we know chickens are still laying eggs. Apparently more people are starting to home bake?! Don't really know how true that is. But the flour aisle was pretty empty.

Oh and the dog food aisle didn't have much left either. Ann usually buys my dog food, once a month, at 'Pets at Home' and at the moment I have enough to last me for another 3 weeks or so. But should she be stocking up on that?

And the other thing....................... well two other things..................................

If we were to stockpile supplies; where would we keep them? We only have a small kitchen with limited space so would we in effect turn our spare bedroom into our own little mini supermarket? Is that what people are doing. Or are all the people who are stock piling the ones who live in big houses with lots of extra space?


Who are the people who are actually stock piling? Because everyone we talk to and everything we have seen on social media agrees with us that this stock piling is crazy. ….................But still it goes on.

Today in Asda, Ann bought 4 carrots and 6 bottles of wine – that's her normal supermarket wine shop but the lady in front of her at the checkout had at least 20 pizzas. So let's assume that lady is feeding a family of four. Is she really going to feed them pizza for the next 5 days? No she's not. The pizzas will be going in the freezer and she'll be off to another supermarket later to buy more.

Sorry to keep RANTING but this supermarket thing is seriously annoying Ann.................. Even the crisps and confectionery aisles were empty. WHY? We're in the middle of a global epidemic problem and people want to make sure they've still got crisps & chocolate. Duh?! …...............It would probably do a lot of them good if they didn't have any crisps or chocolate for three months?!

Oh dear! Getting a bit too personal now. Lol! #muststopranting

Anyway, after Ann had been in ASDA forever, I eventually got my afternoon walk. But by then it was pouring with rain and Ann was very, very, grumpy so I just jumped up onto this tree stump to pose for my BLIP. So that's all we've got for you today.

PS – If anyone is interested, Ann is just about to make Beef Stew with a vegetable mash topping for her tea tonight. It's going to have extra carrots in it because everyone else has panic bought all the celery. Lol!!!

PPS – Ann tries really hard NOT to rant but sometimes she can't help it. Lol! Just for our own interest; we're going to tag all her 'coronavirus rantings' as 'coronavirusrantings' so in 10 years time when we're still Blipping we can look back on these traumatic times and wonder what all the fuss was about.

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