In Denial
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
Mary Doll has decided that the government advice doesn’t apply to her and that she is going to carry on as normal. This is despite being an asthmatic in her seventies. Victor has decided that Coronavirus will be easier than getting her to see reason, so this week they have been to the supermarket every day and had a very nice afternoon in the cinema!
The Brother phoned to attempt to get her to take the pandemic seriously and to start practising social distancing. We assured her that we’ll deliver shopping and anything else they need.
His advice was as well received as a coughing fit on a busy bus and their conversation ended tersely.
When he had pointed out that being over 70 puts her in the high risk category, she revealed her genius strategy...
“I’ll just be 69.”
He was incredulous which I well understood. As I said to him, “no one wants to think about their parents being 69.”
PS This was my panic buying shop. I got the whole lot in Ali’s Cave which might be the best shop in the whole world. Where else can you go to buy knitting needles, mugs, glue sticks and batteries? All from the same shop!
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