
By bananablip

Marco Polo saved my day

Lockdown day #1

Again, I’m so thankful to have blip at the moment to document these strange times we’re living in. I don’t suppose there will be much of interest to report from each day but it will be good to have something to look back on in years to come.

I made the decision last night to stay here at home and not go to Groove Cottage for the duration. Much as I would have enjoyed the company, my overriding feeling was wanting to keep to some normality, to have routine to my day and to be able to crack on with work from the comfort of my home. It will be nice to be able to chat to my remaining neighbours from our windows and I especially wanted to be here for Becky, my neighbour who works for the NHS, who will be facing her birthday on her own next week. Shouting Happy Birthday from afar seems like the least I can do for a precious NHS worker.

I had to cycle into work this morning to very briefly collect some books that I’ll need now that we’re in lockdown. It was strangely surreal and serene. The Quarry was beautifully sunny and quiet except for the odd person out doing their daily exercise allowance.

I spoke to Kristi (in Canada) and Kristin (in the US) yesterday using an app called Marco Polo, which allows you to leave video messages for each other. It was SO nice to hear from them and see them! Today I’ve mostly been getting lots of other people to sign up for it so I’ve had a very fun day of laughing at silly messages from near and afar.

I’m reading this book, which was meant to be research for a new project I’m working on but is now increasingly helpful for life in lockdown. I so want to use this time to learn and grow, but it’s hard to step away from the constant noise, even in lockdown.

To stop a nap from happening this afternoon I went for a run for my daily exercise (the cycle was technically a commute). Lots of runners, cyclists and walkers out, but all being very careful to stay well away from each other.

And then the evening news. I think I can only watch once a day now. Seeing the EXCEL centre get turned into a temporary hospital whilst other people carry on flaunting the rules and carrying on with life like this whole thing isn’t happening.

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