Lockdown day 2

(Must remember to get a picture in the daytime.)

I’m enjoying isolation in the sunshine but a little bit more fearful of when the whether changes in a couple of days and I might start to feel a bit more boxed in.

At the moment I’m enjoying a gentle rhythm to daily life which involves lunch in the garden and exercise in the sunshine in the afternoon. Today was potentially the first day I would have gone without seeing another human being but I was grateful to bump into Mark and Kate as I was arriving back so it was nice to have a (2 metres apart) chat. Then I took a homemade pizza round to our beloved NHS neighbour (delivered from a safe distance). Three humans!

I don’t know about everyone else, but I find I can go about my day with a certain level of normality but then with the evening news, everything hits home again. Then tonight an added blow to find out a local year eight from one of our schools has committed suicide. Terrible at any time, but for the family who won’t have the chance for a normal funeral and for the friends and fellow students who have to grieve apart, it’s the worst timing.

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