By lizzie_birkett

The Village Shop

LOCKDOWN DAY 1 - strange and scary :-\

We're managing to get what we need at 'H's of Hellifield'. Obviously it is a little more expensive than the supermarkets but for peace of mind it is worth it. There is sometimes one other person in there so keeping a distance is not so hard.
The shop has also said to the villagers that we can phone an order in before 12 noon and it will be delivered on the doostep in the afternoon. Payment can either be paid by card over the phone or cash left on the step.
Today I got fresh Broccoli, 4 tomatoes, half a cucumber, some potatoes and some biscuits. 
I ordered other things on line - 24 cartons of Oat Milk, a pack of 14 assorted bars of soap + shampoo and 2 tubes of Euthymol toothpaste. 
I think if we manage like this we may not need to go to a supermarket for some time.

Frank has been working hard making another raised bed today - the garden is taking shape. I'm impatient to plant things out but it's too early. Ne'er cast a cloot till May is oot' as they say in Scotland!
We may have snow at the weekend :-\

We did our daily walk with Bella this morning about 9.30.
Tomorrow I'm going to take her really early before other people are out. Not that we saw many others, just 2 or 3 at quite a distance.

I also had to go to the post office to send a parcel off to Amelia and Lucy.

Tomorrow is another day. Stay safe all X

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