We'll Meet Again, Don't Know When

A windy day day, and a lot of showers.  Cloudy all day too.

I headed in to work at the museum, packed up my desk, PC and as many photos as I could carry and crammed it all into my car.  Back home by lunchtime, and setup my new desk in the sitting room, with a view.  I'll now be working from home, with lockdown in place.  I'm not sure how Sammy will cope with the limited time out walkies, but he has the garden.  Telly needs to improve with lockdown, not much on tonight, thank goodness for Amazon Prime and Netflix. 

It was fairly emotional having to leave work today, as I thought working from home would be great, but I will miss the museum, colleagues, the people and the history.  13 years working here, before it even opened, but hopefully it won't be long before I'm back, and the people are back.  This quietness has been odd, taken at 11.50am, it should have various folk walking around here in the foyer and desk.  I was the last man to leave (only person in today), as I walked out to lock the door, Vera Lynn "We'll Meet Again" popped into my head.  Taken at the Shetland Museum, Hay's Dock, Lerwick.  

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