Masked and anonymous

Another trip to Ocean Terminal for crumbly hour at Simply Wine. Note for local blippers - Holland & Barrett is open but I was the only customer, they've got a device at the till which means you can scan your own purchases, and they're well stocked with stuff like nuts and seeds. (Didn't think to check flour and the like).

OT is quite a spooky experience - only H & B and Boots open on the ground floor and M & S on the first. The blip is of the reflections in Starbucks, with other closed food outlets visible on the other side and a view of the Western Harbour out of the windows if you could see it.

You can also glimpse me, looking perhaps a little intimidating with the black scarf around my gub. Helps keep folk at a distance, I think!

Edit: should have said that this was a sort of response to NannaK's blip!

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