Every Picture Tells .....


A bird with presence

FRIDAY   WFH Day #20

I was on the treadmill before 8:00 am and managed 10 km in 53:04.

I had plenty to do working from home and managed to stay focused without the need for the usual breaks.

A short walk this evening.

Polished off a huge breakfast - boiled eggs, cereal, raspberries, blueberries, banana, toasted teacake and coffee.

Cavatelli pasta with courgette and mint pesto and red chilli for lunch.

Coq au vin for dinner.

I don't like throwing away food at any time but had to give the best part of a wholemeal loaf to the birds. It was quickly devoured by the jackdaws and wood pigeons.

The wood pigeons normally figure near the top of the pecking order for bird food but the jackdaws saw off all the other birds today for first picks. The others had to make do with the crumbs.

20,231 steps in total

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