
By LadyPride

An old client

Lonnnnng day in the office and have only just stopped working. An old client came back to my PR agency on Friday looking to do some work. Have taken it on as they were a good company to work for in the past but rather unhelpfully, I seem to have deleted all my old files on them - meaning I've had to start from scratch. Hopefully all the effort will be worthwhile and we can start working together again more regularly. Let's hope they pay me this time (another story for another time).

Meanwhile my husband had Audrey. He took her up to his Mum's. She is always very upset when she's there and today was no different. It really upsets my Mother-in-law which is upsetting for us too. The sad thing is I suspect it is just that she's not used to them. She can be a sensitive soul can Audrey.

I got home just as she was being put to bed and the look of love she gave me was adorable.

I missed you today too Audrey, I missed you too.

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