
The weekly shop this morning. I joined the footprints queue as usual. A lady who seemed a bit uncertain about the system walked ahead, realised she needed to go back and spotted some footers and joined the queue. Ahead of a few others and me. No one bothered. We are all resigned to waiting and the queue was moving towards the main doors quite quickly.

However, as I got closer to the main door something was different. They had introduced a new pathway into the store. Just like in Disneyworld. We visited there in 2002 and realised how expert they were at managing the flow of people. Just as you think you are getting to the entrance you find a few more twists and turns. You keep moving and at times chatting/ being entertained but it takes a bit longer to get to your destination.

The channels were made up of trolleys not needed as the numbers in the store are limited. It is all part of preparing for when other shops begin to open with the aim of having more people standing in the store and not the main centre. ( I nearly typed “Mall”: further evidence of the USA influence).

At the actual entrance, “sanitised” trolleys and (almost full) shelves apart from the usual hard to get things such as flour (which we don’t need) and eggs ( which we wanted and got the 3rd last box).

All good natured and just a few more wearing face coverings. I’m noticing now an instinctive distance radar in myself. If someone in front of me pauses I do too, even in mid- step. It’s becoming a bit like synchronised walking!

The showery day meant we could spend time in the house working out where to rehang our pictures now the hall decoration has been done.

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