Tel's Blips

By TerryS365

Korean Choreography

This morning we traveled by rail to Jungfraujoch, the highest station in Europe.
This spectacular feat of engineering is tunneled inside the Eiger mountain for 7 miles with the 'Top of Europe' station at 11,000 ft where the air is noticeably thinner.

There are many attractions at the visitor centre including an ice cave carved into the glacier, museums and cafes and areas where it is possible to venture outside onto the glacier.

When I have visited before on a clear day the vistas of the mountains have been stupendous however today visibility was variable as the snow showers blew around the summit with blizzard conditions at times. I managed to get several dramatic images which will have to wait till I'm back home to process properly.

I was amused by these Korean visitors whose photographic antics in the snowstorm seemed to be some sort of Asian choreography. Does this picture class as street photography at 11,750 feet altitude?

Press L for large for a close up of the antics.

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