Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Lockdown Day 54: Gardener’s World

An outdoor day today as I continued to dig over and clean up the neglected borders in preparation for the laying down of meadow grass turf. I’m very excited about this. It shall be allowed to grow and prosper with minimal human interference and hopefully become a haven for bees and insects and cats who need to keep cool. 

I even cleaned out the pond a little which is where I found this old terracotta jug whose colour had been changed by long immersion. Other archaeological finds included bits of broken dinner plate from The Pier (remember that shop?), animal bones, a long lost gardening glove and a stone tablet that turned out to be the eleventh commandment ("thou shall stay alert"). Not convinced that one is genuine, any more than the person who uttered it less than a week ago is.

By the time the sun was over the apple tree (an important point in the measurement of my lockdown day) I was exhausted so we had lunch and settled down in the comfy chairs to play cards and chat. TSM had to break off to collect Mystic Em who had had a puncture outside Guildford but try as I might I couldn’t manage an afternoon nap in her absence. There was just too much going on. The average garden is full of little events if you slow down and keep your eyes open. I’m pretty sure I saw a bird of prey  at one point - a kite - circling in that graceful way they have.  There were blue tits, butterflies and bumble bees. Dylan was getting quite excited with all the birds at one point.

Lovely day, enough sun to make it pleasant sitting out. Very happy ...

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