Three parks
A sunny morning and I decided to see if the pond in Newlands Park was any fuller after the rain, it wasn’t, noticeably. It was glorious and I liked hearing the sound of the tennis balls, you can just see a couple of players on the courts there which I think are free. And the yellow iris' are almost at their best.
Spontaneously I returned to Homebase via Auldhouse Park which was far more extensive than I realised, not much to look at but it was very green and fairly quiet. Decide on Peacock Blue at Homebase and will return to buy the full-size tin plus some masking tape in the next couple of days.
The final park was of course Pollok where I spend a good hour including having flask coffee on a bench in the rose garden. Pleasantly warm and made me long for water immersion, again. All in all around 6.5 miles completed slowly and with much stopping to look at things. No kingfishers however. I haven’t seen them since the river was so high a few days ago. Got a great shot of the heron which is one of the additional blips today.
Felt a bit torpid (is that a word?) in the afternoon and force myself to go for a run. Struggles to do more than bouts of 0.6 miles – I really must endeavour not to let this slip. Right now I am down to running just once a week. My weight seems to have remained the same but that is not the point. On a positive note I don’t struggle because of breathing, its mainly a head thing and giving in too quickly to leg lethargy.
Because of the run I managed to miss most of the extricating SPAD press conference. This issue remains unresolved. I am unclear how, in the general scheme of things, how urgent or how important the issue really is.
Delicious cold beef for supper, and the remains of the Manchester Tart which does improve with age. Best eaten in one go.
The third blip is the early morning acrobatic squirrel on Colin and Maureen's bird feeder.
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