
The start of my drive to Florida was not good. It was 14F, and my windshield wiper washers wouldn't work. Frozen up. 3 times I had to stop to even see out of my windshield. Plus...when I stopped at the gas stations...their solvent was frozen solid. A perpexing problem.

I recalled the story of the female astronaut who drove non-stop from Texas to Florida...using Depends. I needed to do something drastic to make up for lost time.

I stopped at Walmart, and picked up a package of Depends, and a canister of air freshener. When I got to the checkout...I explained to the lady that I was going 1300 miles. At 425 miles for a tank of gas...I really didn't need a whole box...just three. Imagine my surprise when she ripped open the box, handed me 3, and said..."That's our little secret." A quick trip to the bathroom, and I was joining the astronaut.

When the time came to...ya know...go...I couldn't do matter how much time I could save. But...I did discover that by soaking a Depends with water...setting my cruise at 55...and sitting on my opened window... I could lean out, and clean the windshield. Not so perplexing a problem now.

Your mission...should you decide to accept to seperate the fact from the fiction from the above story. I will say this...I was 389 miles from home when the temperature finally hit 20, and I have now gone 712 miles without the temp hitting 32F. Cold. I am about 45 miles north of Atlanta, Georgia. I'll hit the big city bright and early tomorrow.

The horse statue, and the other horses I put on FLICKR page were all taken at Kentucky Horse Park...near Lexington. At 18 degrees...I didn't wander far.

The washers are now working, plus my frozen shut back doors are opening, too. It has to be warmer tomorrow.

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