Scavenger hunt

The running club organised as scavenger hunt where we had to get pics of 15 specific things, starting from home. Most of them were close to home but a street beginning with my 1st initial and a farm animal added over a mile to the run. I tried to make a collage of all 15 things but every time it was saved it turned into coloured rectangles so you've just got this interesting juxtaposition.
I did the shopping earlier, back to my usual supermarket where they now have their one-way system working much better.
We also had a short walk later (and met someone else doing the scavenger hunt) and a sit in the sun until it clouded over just before I would have gone in anyway.
Rained after thatm hope it's a bit more than last time.
we've had foxes (one young) in the garden and also a young (grey) squirrel. Unfortunately the foxes don't seem to deter the squirrels

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