
By Mindseye


Up at a reasonable hour......after breakfast I got myself sorted and drove over to see sis....and Kobi.

Needed to call in to M&S to collect something Id ordered on line. We both,picked up a,couple of items in the food hall. We treated ourselves to a crayfish and mango salad for our lunch, which we ate in the car, very posh us lol!!
Later we drove over to Morrisons as we both wanted another piece of their ham, it is really good quality and price. A quick stop in Home Bargains for toiletires and loo tolls then back home to sis's.......she quickly put things away, then we took Kobi out for his afternoon walk.

My blip is Ali playing with Kobi and his flirt pole.....I think she used it to train him not to chase things, i.e. squirrels and cats......it definitely works, he is so well behaved, doesnt bother with anything!!

Traffic wasnt too bad going home...hub has been busy, cut the grass and cleaned the kitchen floor ;-)

Weather looks ok for morning, so all being well, run number 2 of the week tomorrow.

Stay well one and all,

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