A is for Andre

Today was Andre’s birthday, so after Danny’s class and Asha’s homeschooling we took cake and drink to the street to share with him. He was feeling pretty pleased as his friend had lent him the bubble mixture and wand and said to keep any money he made from it today! Asha made him a card in his favourite colour and we enjoyed hanging out with him for a while.
Letesia has been with us for a lot of today which has even really great...moving listening to her talk about her life as a mixed race woman. Moving to hear how she’s reacting to all that’s going on in the world at the moment - such a positive and proactive woman. She’s written a course for businesses to begin the race talk well - she’s already got all sorts of people signed up to start.
We took the kids for a walk and an ice cream, Rich joined us later too.
Early evening we had a Skype to virtually clink cava glasses to celebrate Todd and Stephen’s visas being granted. A pic in extras.

Today I’m grateful for;
1) Being able to celebrate Andre’s birthday with him. 26 today!
2) Letesia and the courageous woman she is.
3) Asha having some brilliant homework in ‘Values’ on the importance of words and self expression.

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