
By Houseonahill6

Hare in the sunlight

A sad day today as my Uncle Alan has passed away. He was in his late 80’s and had not been that well for the last few years but was still living at home being cared for by my Auntie Jean. I have lots of happy memories especially from my childhood when I spent quite a lot of time with them. He and my cousin Kevin rang the bells at our wedding, we used to go and watch Gillingham FC play and he was a terrific gardener with the most fantastic hanging baskets .
I sat in the garden in the sunshine first thing and was delighted to see the hare.I watched it nibble buttercups before it disappeared into the nettle patch.It did appear later but further up the field. It’s much easier to spot birds than mammals but today I saw the hare, two mice and a vole .Soo many birds it makes you dizzy looking at them all. I do not want to be greedy but we had four woodpeckers at once too :)
We went down to the allotment to mow the grass and trim the edges. Just got caught in a few showers. Removed the small poly tunnel from around the courgettes and pumpkin.I was hoping it would shield them abit from the wind but one of the stems looks abit delicate. The plot holder next to us had been down and planted some HUGH courgette plants and had tidied the plot so it looks much better now.The weeds love this humid weather.
It has brightened up in the afternoon. We took the old mattress over to David as it’s better than the one he has.Mike managed to get a couple of sympathy cards from Tesco which are ok but nit quite right. Our Post Office was shut and the Avoch Post office did not have any.
Back home for a late dinner of curry and Naan bread.

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