Sparrow at the Springs

Friday means work from my home office.
Joined the morning planning meeting by speaker phone.
Emails read, replied to, deleted, and generally tried to manage 
1200 Zoom meeting cancelled at last minute
An unhurried lunch, but still struggling with the cryptic
Supervision of registrar by Zoom (poor connection)
She is going to Karangahake Gorge this weekend
Told her my father's farm was up in the hills near there
Recommended the Waikino Station Cafe for lunch
Zoom meeting to discuss long stay inpatients
Drove out to Henderson to renew driver's licence
Had a medical certificate from the GP
He had told me it was the first sign of being old
Coming back I stopped for a walk at Western Springs
No camera, except in the iPhone
Saw a nice little sparrow
Bought soup for dinner
Followed by cheese and crackers (me)
Finished the Guardian cryptic, after starting at breakfast

Thankful that it's the end of the working week

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